How to get Roof Wizard 8.2

AppliCad how to get Roof Wizard 8.2


Here is how to get Roof Wizard 8.2 onto your computer

Follow these steps

  1. Go to
  2. Log in (top right hand corner of the website), using your email address and password. If you have not registered before or are not listed as the primary contact for your company, you will need to create a new registration.
  3. Check the status of your current license/s.
  4. Scroll to the bottom. Find the button to the version of software you are entitled to access.   If your support arrangements are in up-to-date and paid, then you will have a button called “Download Roof Wizard version 8.2”.
  5. Click the download link button and follow the installation prompts.

Find more information on how to get version 8.2 in our FAQ section

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Call us or send us an email! We are here to help!

How to get Roof Wizard 8.2

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