AppliCad Roof Wizard Software
Video Demo Clips

Let us show you what the Roof Wizard is capable of. Book your free online software demonstration here.

We have produced a whole series of 50+ online YouTube video clips that capture the key points of our standard tutorial demonstrations. They are designed to take you through the key functions of the AppliCad process.  They may also be instructive, as you learn how to run your FREE trial of Roof Wizard.

Watch the video clips to understand how to

  • use the Roof Wizard to benefit your business
  • make the different functions work
  • correctly use the functions
  • model complex roof geometry from architects’ blueprints, aerial images or your own field sketches
  • generate accurate cutting lists, reduce waste and produce reports using the seamless report generator with MS Word and your very own report template(s). See a Sample Report here.


Image showing AppliCad 3D roof model in software demo     Image to show building with roofs for software demo


Did you know…that you can accurately measure roof pitch from an oblique photograph?

Here is a sample video list to get you started so you can get more from your software*
– click on the light globe to learn more!

applicad-globe-small → See how easy accurate 3D modelling can be

applicad-globe-small→ Adding architectural features to your 3D model

applicad-globe-small → Capturing, pasting and tracing PDF documents

applicad-globe-small → Generating metal panel layout and cutting lists

applicad-globe-small → Generating flashing and trim layout and cutting lists

applicad-globe-small → Using Microsoft Word templates to generate reports

applicad-globe-small → Creating walls and estimating cladding

applicad-globe-small → Taking a very ordinary sketch and producing a detailed take-off

applicad-globe-small → Measuring roof pitch from an oblique aerial image

applicad-globe-small → Using the ‘Block-Cut’ panel placement routine to reduce waste to almost zero

*You may see small differences in menu options between the video and the latest software – that is because we constantly strive to deliver the best tools for your business and improvements often result in minor changes.

Image showing tin sheds for software demo

If you have any further questions, please contact your local sales/support person or email AppliCad at and we will get back to you within 24 hours (usually a lot less).

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