Roof Wizard V11 Release is Here!

After 2.5 years of development time, Roof Wizard V11 is here, with a range of useful enhancements, driven by requests from you, our valued advanced users!

What’s New in Roof Wizard V11?

Over the coming weeks, we will introduce some of the new and enhanced functions here.

First up, the new enhanced Panel (Block-Cutting) and Flashing Labelling:

Screenshot showing features of the new Roof Wizard V11
  • Customer-Driven Innovation: Developed based on customer feedback, this enhancement brings clarity and efficiency to your estimating and installation processes.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Easily identify individual panel and flashing cut lengths on the estimated model, providing greater clarity for estimators and installers alike.
  • Customisable Options: Tailor your labelling preferences with options to enable Panel Labelling and Flashing Labelling in the Preference Settings.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Streamline your workflow with Block-Cut labels for panels/blocks and flashing labels grouped by length or by line, making identification a breeze.

Upgrade to the latest in AppliCad Roof Wizard V11 today and take your estimating to the next level!