In the modern roofing landscape, specialised take-off software tools are necessary, not a luxury. They allow estimators to deliver precise quotes that accurately reflect materials, labour costs, and profit margins.… read more →
Imagine you could take eight photos of your house on your smartphone, upload them to a website to obtain a data file within hours. Then you upload that data file… read more →
6 Reasons Why You Should Care About Accuracy in Metal Roofing Are you thinking about entering the metal roofing market? For starters, let’s admit that metal roofing is complex, and… read more →
What is it that innovative entrepreneurs do to disrupt an established market? Well, they do things differently. Roofing is a very established market, so how can you disrupt the roofing… read more →
Roof Wizard Training in Melbourne coming soon! Over three full days, AppliCad’s Managing Director Ray Smith will guide you through all the major functions and applications of Roof Wizard… read more →